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Selectors let you find elements in the DOM using CSS paths. Note that $$ is defined in Element.js, but it only lets you get elements by tag name.


$$ is defined in Element.js, but when you include Element.Selectors.js, it becomes much more useful; you'll use it a LOT.

With Element.Selectors.js you can pass this selector any css style selector and it will return all the matching elements. The more specific you are, the faster the selection. Note that selecting items from a very large document can be CPU intensive.

$$('div'); //all the divs on the page
$$('div.myclass'); //all the divs on the page with the class 'myclass'
$$('#myElement div') //all the divs in $('myElement')
$$('div#myElement div') //the same, but faster because the type
//of input of myElement is defined
$$('div p a'); //all anchors in paragraphs in divs

You get the idea. The result should be stored if you're going to use it more than once so that the search is only performed once:

var clickers = $$('div#section a.clicker');
clickers.each(function(link) {.....});
//later something else...
clickers.filter(function(link) {.....});

Be sure to read up on $$ as it's main function is creating instances of Elements and applying the MooTools extensions in the Element class to DOM elements.

Selecting on attributes

Selectors.js allows you to also search for elements with specific attributes. For example:

//Returns all input tags with name "dialog".
//Returns all input tags with names ending with 'log'.
//Returns all email links (starting with "mailto:").

The operands you can use in these instructions are:

Element.getElements, .getElement

Element.getElements applies a filter on the collection:

execute this code

The filter can be any css expression, just like $$.

Element.getElement just returns the first item found.

You can also pass in more than one:

$('leftCol').getElements('li.level1, li.level2');
execute this code

This will return all the items that match the first selection, in order, followed by all the items that match the next one, and so on.


In addition to specifying css selectors (like 'p.someClass'), you can also use psuedo-selectors that MooTools includes.


Gets all the form inputs inside a DOM element that are not disabled.

$$('*:enabled'); //all the enabled inputs
$('myElement').getElements(':enabled'); //only the enabled inputs inside #myElement


Returns only the empty nodes.

$$('a:empty'); //all the empty anchor tags
execute this code


Returns only the nodes that specifically contain text:

//the paragraph above
execute this code

Deprecated Methods