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Assets.js provides on-the-fly loading of images, css, and javascript files. Here is the documentation for Assets.js.


Returns a new script tag with the source and (optional) properties you specify. *Note* that it inserts the tag into the DOM (in the head) for you.

new Asset.javascript('../../../../../../../scripts/myScript.js', {id: 'myScript'})
//returns element: <script src="../../../../../../../scripts/myScript.js" id="myScript"></script>


Pretty much the same concept for css as for javascript. *Note* that it inserts the tag into the DOM (in the head) for you.

new Asset.css('../../../../../../../css/myStyle.css', {id: 'myStyle', title: 'myStyle'});
//returns element: <link id="myStyle" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="../../../../../../../css/myStyle.css" title="myStyle">


Assets.image is very similar to Asset.css or .javascript, but its goal is to preload the image, while returning an image HTML element.

new Asset.image('/images/myImage.png', {id: 'myImage', title: 'myImage', load: new myFunction});
//returns element <img id="myImage" src="/images/myImage.png" onload="myFunction()" title="myImage">

Note that this doesn't actually do anything with the returned element, you'll need to use Element.injectBefore/injectAfter/injectInside/adopt/etc to put it somewhere:

new Asset.image('', {'id': 'logoAsset', 'title': 'logo example'}).injectInside('logoExample');
execute this code


Preloads an array of images (as strings) and returns an array of img elements; does not inject them to the page.

var imgs = new Asset.images([urlOne, urlTwo, urlThree]);